& Civic Pride
We’re investing in champions for Memphis.
Active, connected and diverse leadership, an informed and engaged population and a strong unified philanthropic sector are vital to move Memphis forward. We support the development and engagement of those leaders as well as increasing a sense of civic pride in all Memphians.
Funding Priorities
Leadership development and nonprofit capacity-building
We build capacity in our partner nonprofits and invest in programs that build youth leaders, emerging and established nonprofit leaders and board members, and public sector leaders. We also work to build a culture of philanthropy in Memphis by encouraging and supporting the next generation of philanthropic donors and leaders.
A unified, positive brand for Memphis
We support partners who celebrate our city and build a positive, progressive and ambitious brand for Memphis. We aim to build civic pride in Memphis and awareness within and outside our community.
A robust local information ecosystem
We support partners who gather and report accurate information to build a more engaged population. We believe that a well-informed community encourages civic participation and connects people to their city.
Who We Fund
New Memphis
New Memphis fosters connections with talented Memphians and guides them to become actively involved in their community. Through Community Engagement and Leadership Development offerings, a more prosperous and vital new Memphis is forged by developing, activating, and retaining talent.
Memphis Challenge
Memphis Challenge coaches high-achieving students of color through leadership and professional development. The program serves high school students in grades 9-12 from public, private, independent, charter, and parochial schools across Shelby County.
Memphis Brand
Memphis Brand is a non-profit organization dedicated to boosting civic pride and telling the Memphis story globally to promote Memphis as a destination for talent and businesses.
All Leadership & Civic Pride Grantees
Asset Funders Network
The Brotherhood B2M
Chalkbeat, Inc.
City Leadership
Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
The Daily Memphian
Girls, Inc.
High Ground News
Leadership Tennessee
Memphis-Shelby Crime Commission
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Tennessee Nonprofit Network
Volunteer Odyssey
Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis
Youth Villages

Ready to apply?
First, send a brief letter of inquiry to Lauren Taylor, Senior Vice President for Programs and Learning, to discuss whether your project aligns with our strategy and available resources.