What types of projects does the Hyde Family Foundation fund?
We take a proactive, initiative-driven approach to charitable giving. Therefore, it is critical that organizations submitting unsolicited requests for support be engaged in activities that align wholly with our funding interests.
Are there dollar limits on the grants you make?
We do not have a minimum or maximum dollar amount for our grants. Requested amounts should be based on the project or organizational budget and should take into account other sources of income.
Who may apply for grants from the Hyde Family Foundation?
Most of our grantmaking is initiative-driven in nature, but we will accept requests from 501(c)(3) organizations that serve Memphis or influence policy change at the statewide level. We do not accept requests from political organizations or individuals.
My organization is outside of the Memphis area. Am I eligible for funding?
Yes, but only if the project or program serves the city of Memphis or influences policy change at the statewide level.
Do you accept proposals for projects outside the United States?
I am an individual seeking financial assistance. Can I apply for a grant?
We do not accept requests from individuals.
Is it possible for my organization to receive a grant from the Hyde Family Foundation if we have never received funding from you before?
Yes. We will review funding requests from organizations that we have not supported in the past; however, your organization, project, or program must align with one of our impact areas.
Are grants given to Individuals for any purpose?


Are grants given to Political organizations?


Are grants made for purposes outside the Foundation’s impact areas?


Are grants made for international organizations or U.S.-based organizations operating programs outside the U.S?


What happens after I submit an application?
All applications are carefully reviewed by staff. You will be notified when the Hyde Family Foundation receives your application, and you will be notified again regarding the status of your request within six to eight weeks of submission.
Can I change my application once it has been submitted?
Yes. If there is information that needs to be added or changed in the application, please contact Lauren Jenkins immediately at ljenkins@hydefoundation.org or via phone at (901) 685-3400.
What time period should I use for my project budget?
Your project budget should cover the year(s) in which you will be implementing the program for which you are requesting funds. If you are requesting support for operations, please use your fiscal year budget.
How do I contact you if I have questions about the application process?
Please direct inquiries about the application process to Lauren Jenkins at ljenkins@hydefoundation.org or by phone at (901) 685-3400.
Where does the Hyde Family Foundation’s money come from?
The Hyde Family Foundation is a philanthropic fund created by members of the Hyde family over a 50-year period, beginning with an initial $1 million investment by Joseph Hyde Sr. in 1961. For more information about the history of the Hyde Family Foundations, click here.
Can you direct me to an organization that offers resources for proposal writing?
Momentum Nonprofit Partners offers a variety of services for grantseekers in eight Mid-South counties.

Momentum Nonprofit Partners
630 South Cooper St.
Memphis, TN 38104
(901) 726-5725